Thursday, June 9, 2011

Included Free with this Amusement: a set of Ginsu knives!

Advertising is the greatest artform of the 20th century
-- Marshall Mcluhan

Way back when I was a young writer dreaming of ways I could make a living, I had considered advertising copywriting. It seemed fun, creative, and exciting. In the end, I went with technical writing, but I have always admired the advertising world and the awesome ideas they come up with to promote whatever kind of snake oil people have to sell.

CBC Radio has an awesome show that has forced me to sit in the car in various parking lots across Canada, making me late for whatever drew me out of my Man Cave. CBC's The Age of Persuasion features adman Terry O'Reilly who explores the various twists and turns of the advertising world and its history.

You can listen to the latest episodes on the CBC website (Age of Persuasion with Terry O'Reilly) or subscribed via iTunes (for free!).

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